Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thanks Blog, You've Been Great.

This blog has served well, time to move it along.

For more musings, ramblings and the like head on over to my new online journal at

Thanks and have a good one.


Friday, July 11, 2008

Save the Bees....

Its got a name now, Colony Collapse Disorder... CCD.

A cool article from Wired.

Burt's Bees Tips

High Country News

Haagen Daaz Tips

Plant some seeds and plants that attract bees to your yard:

Bird's Eye, Blue Mist, Bog Sage, Borage, Calendula, California Buckwheat, California Gilia, California Poppy, Calliopsis, Cape Mallow, Catmint, Chinese Houses, Coast Buckwheat, Cosmos, Coyote Mint, Crane's Bill, Dusty Miller, Elegant Clarkia, Elegant Madia, Gaillardia, Germander, Globe Gilia, Gold Coin, Goldmarie, Gumplant, Gumweed, Hedgenettle, Horehound, Korean Hummingbird Mint, Lamb's Ear, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, Lavender, Licorice Mint, Lindley Blazing Star, Mexican Sunflower, Midnight Penstemon, Monch, Phacelia Grandiflora, Pincushion Flower, Point Reyes Horkelia, Plains Coreopsis, Purple Coneflower, Rosemary, Russian Sage, San Miguel Island Buckwheat, Scented Geranium, Sea Holly, Slender Sunflower, Shasta Daisy, Sweet William Catchfly, Sunflower, Tansy Phacelia, or even Toadflax.

All of these plants attract bees!! So include some in your fall and spring plantings!!


Art Print

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Trip to Georgia.

My mom and I went to Georgia in April and had a great time. Here's some pics:

Friday, May 09, 2008

Bees Knees are really in danger....Yikes.

Colonies of Bees are disappearing and they don't know why. It could be mites, global warming, or wasps...maybe they're just fed up? Its a problem for all of us, not just the beekeepers. If your interested in keeping bees check with your local authorities on your zoning. Here are some great publications you can subscribe to that will help with your keeping of the bees.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Miss Evelyn Just a Week Old...

She is so so cute. She didn't fuss much for her very first official photo shoot in North Salt Lake, Ut. Check out that dark hair!! Its such a blessing to have the opportunity to be invited to share the miracle of such a little one!! :)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Type Racing!!!! When was Typing ever so fun?!?

Wanna race? its beta right now so check it out!!
I learned to type on an electric typewriter! Yup, 8th grade typing was on typewriters. It was required. Liquid paper, the smell of those ink ribbons and a ream of type paper oye, the homework...its all coming back to me now.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Carma's Bridals!

We were sooo lucky, the Utah State Capital wasn't busy at all.....hehehe. I had such a lovely time with Carma and her crew. I hope she loves the images of her as much as I do!! We all know that her future hubby will!! Here's some faves: